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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

101 Ways to Annoy Your Co-workers

Many of us are stuck in a cube for most of the day. Why not have some fun with your co-workers. They annoy you day in and day out. Here are 101 ways for you to slowly drive them crazy.

  1. Leave a stack of old applications and a note saying, “Install these”
  2. Staple your reports in the wrong corner
  3. Put tape over the mouse optics
  4. Unplug a co-worker’s monitor
  5. Talk to sick employees while wearing a dust mask
  6. Turn your earphones up all the way
  7. Burn popcorn in the microwave
  8. “Forget” to put your tuna sandwich in the fridge
  9. Turn up the beep volume of the copier
  10. Empty the paper out of the main printer/copier
  11. Empty the ink or toner out of the main printer/copier
  12. Practice beat boxing
  13. Sing show tunes
  14. Hang up the phone before they say, “good bye”
  15. Slurp hot coffee during meetings
  16. Walk around the office barefooted
  17. Empty out a co-workers office on a Friday afternoon
  18. Misplace peoples pens
  19. Insert a 3.5″ disk before they turn on their computer
  20. Glue their mouse to the desk
  21. Leave an open can of tuna in their desk
  22. Make a screenshot of their desktop and use it as their screensaver
  23. Turn up the contrast on their monitor
  24. Talk in a funny accent
  25. Use goofy event sounds for your programs
  26. Chant, “Yeay, I got mail!!” every time you get a new email
  27. Print out a phony pink slip and leave It in their mailbox
  28. Send flowers from one co-worker to another
  29. Start your car remotely when someone walk by it
  30. Insist on people to have a great morning
  31. Leave hole punches all over
  32. Leave your lunch garbage in other people’s cans
  33. After each sip give a refreshing, “Ahhh”
  34. Put salt on someone’s mouse pad
  35. Set a password on someone’s screensaver
  36. Carry on a conversation with someone two cubes down
  37. Smirk when a co-worker walks by
  38. Eat half of someone’s lunch
  39. Swap co-worker’s chairs
  40. Fake stomach flu during a meeting and need to abruptly leave three or four times
  41. Stare deeply into your co-workers eyes when they talk to you
  42. Take all the ice out of the community freezer
  43. Listen to comedy tracks and laugh hysterically
  44. Hit all the floor buttons when you leave the elevator
  45. Make hissing sounds into the phone and insist you have a bad connection
  46. Flip the left and right mouse button defaults
  47. Take out the ball in the mouse
  48. Eat sunflower seeds
  49. Tell a long story without a point
  50. Tell a co-worker you liked their hair better last week
  51. Anonymously send flowers to a random co-worker
  52. Bring Cheetos for food days
  53. Drag your feet when you walk down the halls
  54. Exclaim your co-worker didn’t wash his hands when leaving the restroom
  55. Eat stinky foods when you have lunch at your desk
  56. Practice drumming on your desk
  57. Use too many paper clips
  58. Fill out your time sheets incorrectly
  59. Set your mobile phone to an obnoxious ring tone
  60. Forward chain letters and other spam to co-workers
  61. Express your political views at length
  62. Whisper loudly
  63. Come to work sick
  64. Drink the last cup of coffee without making a new pot
  65. Answer your mobile during meetings
  66. Stand over someone while they are on the phone
  67. Sneak up behind someone
  68. Mess with the thermostat
  69. Give everyone a pistol wink when they walk by
  70. Gradually turn down the volume on someone’s phone
  71. Leave unusual print outs on the printer
  72. Throw out other people’s prints
  73. Juggle office supplies
  74. Write all your memos on bright colored paper
  75. Be overly nice to people
  76. Hide whiteboard erasers
  77. Chew gum while talking on the phone
  78. Regularly update everyone on the current weather
  79. Read your emails aloud
  80. Leave the fridge open
  81. Shake up cans of pop in the fridge
  82. Leave fingerprints on the copier glass
  83. Whistle all day long
  84. Wear too much cologne/perfume
  85. Type loudly
  86. Wear bright colored clothes
  87. Give everyone a nickname from a TV show
  88. Do the sneaky walk around the office
  89. Peer over the cube and wait for a co-worker to look up and notice
  90. Use the intercom and page yourself
  91. Swap the regular and decaf coffee
  92. Hide the sugar and creamer
  93. Type emails in uppercase and excessive punctuation
  94. Refer to your garbage can as your in-box
  95. Stick pencils to the ceiling in other people’s offices
  96. Throw a bouncy ball in your office
  97. Tell the same story over and over
  98. Imitate regular sounds like a disc drive opening, door slamming or a mouse click
  99. Talk to your monitor as if it was a person
  100. Schedule meetings at 4:00pm
  101. Talk loudly with your earphones on when someone comes to talk to you

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